Aramis Creative Learning Center is based on the foundation of holistic and intuitive based learning, where children’s emotional wellness is the driving force. We provide an alternative to the current educational platform that cultivates an environment of excitement and enthusiasm where children look forward to learning. Through animal-centered classes and unique subject content, children will experience transformational learning. Throughout their most valuable educational years, they will become grounded, intuitive, empowered, independent, and prepared for a life of infinite possibilities.
Many children born after the 21st century are innately tapped into a higher awareness. They are naturally spiritual, without being guided. Many children have a heightened sensory system, allowing them to have natural intuitive abilities, connect with animals, and showcase wisdom beyond previous generations. These children require alternative learning environments to adapt to their ever-changing potential. Many of these children are labeled with ADHD, Asperger’s, and Autism. While most of these children exhibit challenging behaviors, their personality and learning capability sets them apart from other children. We strive to create learning environments where all children have equal opportunities to learn in a nurturing environment that caters to their individual needs.
Traditional learning environments can be challenging for children in today’s world. A rigid curriculum-based structure is becoming more challenging for the current generation. Children of our current world are spirited, gifted, and dynamic. They require more substance, fluidity, and learning environments that cater to their uniqueness rather than one unified system. Every generation has the potential to transform and evolve. Due to the educational setbacks and unfortunate trauma that millions of children all over the world have endured from the current Pandemic, we find ourselves in a unique and fortunate situation. We have the opportunity to re-evaluate the system in which our children learn and create new pathways to initiate the trajectory of positive transformation for this generation of youth and many more to come.
Aramis Creative Learning Centers’ (ACLC) goal is to foster a commitment to youth to promote spiritual well-being and pro-social friendships, develop strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope. Our initiative is to provide an alternative holistic space for children and youth to thrive by catering to their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Our philosophy is that animals are a catalyst to healing emotional and physical trauma. As a result of the pandemic, children suffered loss, isolation, fear, anxiety, and a lack of stability both in the home and in their educational environments. As a result, many children have fallen behind in academic and social development. At ACLC, we will strive to aid in healing through animal therapy and an alternative learning structure.
We believe children should be free to learn in an environment of imagination, creativity, and excitement. Our centers provide a unique approach to holistic learning for ages 4 to 22 years of age. We strive to inspire children to tap into their innate gifts by providing classes that foster spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth. We believe children are the future, and we must invest in their development at a young age and cater to their individual learning styles, interests, and stages of development. We do not believe that one learning style is suitable for all children. The one-size-fits-all educational approach creates unhealthy dynamics, which can be the root cause of depression, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence. Our centers offer a variety of classes with an equal partnership between the child and their mentors. The courses are structured upon foundational life skills that will adequately prepare them for different stages of their life. There are no grade levels but rather developmental groups of children with similar learning styles, maturation, and interests. Placing children of varying ages together will allow older children to inspire and guide the younger children and, in turn, encourage children of different stages of development to collaborate and work together.
When a child has reached a point where they are ready to learn outside the parameters of their developmental group, they will move on to the next developmental stage. There is no grade system, nor is there a pass/failure. The children move up in developmental groups when the mentor, parent, and child agree they are ready. This creates an environment of relaxed learning with no stress on the children. They are free to learn at their own pace. They will be introduced to intuitive learning through classes on mindfulness, collaboration, art, music, math, science, reading, and writing, as well as through avenues of creativity and real-life relatability. Children become inspired when they can relate to what they are learning. Our learning centers will cultivate an environment of excitement and enthusiasm where children look forward to learning.
Our mission is to transform the education system to a holistic style of intuitive-based learning in an environment where children are the priority. They will learn valuable life skills that will prepare them for their future. They will learn from mentors who are passionate about children and will allow children to learn through creativity, self-expression, independence, collaboration, and respect between the mentor and child. Children will be free to work with their mentors on how they want to learn and what works for them. Our centers understand that children are unique and should be celebrated and honored for their differences. Throughout the development stages of learning, we will strive to support our students individually. We will not use labels in our centers such as ADHD and Autism. Children will be honored for who they organically are. There will be no labels, judgments, or hierarchies of students. If there are children who need more guidance or special attention, they will be catered to on an individual basis. We will provide the resources of integrative and spiritual counselors, special needs mentors, and Intuitive coaches.
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